Sunday, September 13, 2009

Machu Picchu Photo Trek With the Parentals

Day 1: Downhill biking from 14,000 feet for 50 miles. Half was a switch back infested, windy paved road; the second half was a ¨dirt road,¨ aka an offroading trail with semis and buses.

Day 2: 7 hour hike from a little town called Santa Maria, to the glorious hot springs resort outside of Santa Theresa. At one breakpoint in the hike there was a Wambat, very curious creature that chugged bottled milk.

Day 3: From Santa Theresa we took a newly openned Inka trail up the backside of a mountain to the 13,00o foot peak. On the other side of the mountain, we got our first glimpse of Machu Picchu from 2 miles away-one of the most spectacular views I have ever seen. At the end of the day on the bottom of the valley, we took a train to Aguas Caliente to prepare for Machu Picchu the next morning.

Day 4: Up bright and early and full of excitement/anticipation, we boarded a bus to the most breathtaking spot - Machu Picchu. It is impossible to describe, and even more beautiful than pictures, however, it is turning super touristy, but it is completely clean and serene.

Pictures to come, once we find a computer that is faster than this one....Right now we are sitting by a fireplace in Puno, Peru. We just said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Mathis, and had a long but beautiful day on Lake Titikaka. Tomorrow we head to Arequipa to check out some 3 meter condors and the deepest canyon in the world.

Lake Titicaca or Lago Titikaka

Andean Condor

Colca Canyon

1 comment:

  1. Your trip sounds amazing!! My parents actually are on the same flight as the Peter and Sandy heading back from Florida, said that you guys are doing well. Miss you here in the states. xo
